Neil Combee

Polk County Property Appraiser

If you purchased your home prior to January 1, 2025, and want to apply for a Homestead Exemption for the year 2025, we request that you submit your application before the deadline of March 3, 2025. In the event that you miss this deadline, our office will continue to accept late file applications from March 4, 2025, up until the VAB/Petition deadline on Friday, September 12, 2025.

If you plan to file online, please wait until we have processed your purchase information and ownership change. Filing online is both CONVENIENT and SECURE.

Have questions?
Phone: 863-534-4777

Property Tax Exemption Information

Homestead and Other Exemptions

If you own property that you are using as your permanent residence as of January 1, you may be eligible for significant tax savings by filing for Homestead Exemption.

A Homestead Exemption can:
  • Reduce the assessed value of your home by up to $50,000
  • Provide a tax savings of approximately $750 annually on average.
    (This amount will vary from city to city due to differing tax / millage rates.)

Homeowners applying for this exemption must:
  • Own and occupy their Polk County home as their permanent residence as of January 1.
  • Submit an application before the late file deadline of the year you wish the exemption to begin.

Homeowners who owned and occupied their residence after January 1 are encouraged to pre-file an application for the next tax year.

In addition to the Homestead Exemption, the State of Florida offers several other Property Tax Exemptions. To find out if you qualify for any additional exemptions, please consult our "Do You Qualify for Additional Exemptions?" document.

Homeowners can apply online, by mail, or in person at our office.

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File Online

Our online application is a user-friendly tool designed to assist you in determining potential exemptions based on your answers to specific questions. For example, your date of birth will be used to determine if you qualify for a senior exemption. Furthermore, if you indicate that you have previously owned a home in Florida within the last three years, we will assess your eligibility for portability benefits.

To streamline the application process, we recommend gathering all required documentation beforehand. Please be aware that certain forms of Florida residency identification require you to upload a document within the online application. If you are using a mobile phone with a camera, you can easily take pictures of the required documents directly within the application.

The following forms of Florida residency identification require documentation to be uploaded in the online application:
  1. Recorded Affidavit of Florida Resident
  2. Utility bill (not water utility)
  3. School location for dependent children
  4. Verification of employment (excluding W2)
  5. Bank statement (checking or savings account only)
image of house
Save Money! Save Time!

Click Here to File Online!

File for Homestead and Other Property Tax Exemptions Today!

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File by Mail

If you prefer not to file online, you have the option of completing your application at home using a fillable PDF form. Simply return the form along with any required documentation by mail. This convenient method can help you save both time and money that would otherwise be spent on travel.

If you had a previous homestead in Florida, you may be eligible for portability, which allows you to transfer some or all of the Save Our Homes benefit from your old property. To apply for portability, please complete the “Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference” DR-501T application and send it to our office along with your homestead application. If you have already applied for homestead, you can submit the portability application separately to our office.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Polk County Property Appraiser’s Office at (863) 534-4777.

Click here for Office Locations and Mailing Address

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File in Person

If you choose not to file online or by mail, you may file in person. It is important to remember to bring all required documentation with you when filing in person.

Click here for Office Locations

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Approval and Automatic Renewal

Once your exemption(s) has been approved, it will be displayed on the parcel detail page for your property. You can access the parcel detail page from the PROPERTY SEARCH. The page will show two indicators.
  1. The exempt value will be subtracted from the assessed value thereby reducing the taxable value. This information can be found in the Value Summary section of the parcel detail page.
  2. Each exemption that has been granted will be listed in the Exemptions section of the parcel detail page.

If you submitted your application by the statutory deadline of March 1, you would receive a certified mail notification from us in the event that your application is denied. Applicants who provide a valid email address will receive a courtesy status change email once their application(s) has been processed. Once approved, the exemption(s) will be automatically renewed on an annual basis. There is no need to reapply each year.

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Life Events that affect Property Tax Exemptions

If you receive Property Tax Exemptions in Florida, you must report certain life-changing events to your Property Appraiser. These events may change the status of current exemptions and / or qualify you to apply for new or additional exemptions. Click here (PDF) for a list of events that affect property tax exemptions.

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Letters for Mortgage Companies and Estimates of Taxes

Your mortgage servicing company may ask you for proof that homestead exemption has been granted before adjusting your monthly payment. These companies will often instruct the owner to “get a letter from the property appraiser’s office”. PLEASE KNOW: We do not write individual letters evidencing homestead approval. All property and exemption information are public record in Florida and made available on the parcel detail page for your property on this website. You can access the parcel detail page from the PROPERTY SEARCH. Once your exemption has been granted, it will be listed in the EXEMPTIONS section of the Parcel Details. PRINT, or save as a PDF, the Parcel Details page and supply it to the mortgage company as evidence. An estimate of the taxes (subject to change until certified) can be made using our Tax Estimator . The official estimate of taxes is called the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes (also known as the TRIM notice) and is mailed to each property owner in mid-August.

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If title to the home is held in the name of a trust, the applicant must have equitable title or beneficial interest to qualify for the homestead exemption. A copy of the trust agreement may be requested after the application is filed.

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Agreement for Deed

Property obtained with an agreement for deed may be eligible for Homestead Exemption. The agreement for deed must be recorded with the Clerk of the Court. A Contract for Sale or Purchase, Purchase Contract, Sales Contract, or similar document will not be considered by this office as it does not convey equitable title and is merely a contract to purchase the property at a future date.

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Transfer of Homestead Exemption from an Existing Home

If you currently receive a Homestead Exemption for property you own and occupy as your permanent residence in Polk County, and you have moved to a new home in Polk County as your permanent residence, you must complete a new Homestead Exemption Application listing the new home address as your permanent residence. Homestead exemption DOES NOT automatically transfer. Our staff will take care of removing the former exemption and applying a new exemption for the appropriate tax year. You may qualify for even more savings with Homestead Portability; be sure to read the following.

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You may be entitled to additional tax savings with Homestead Portability; also known as Save Our Homes Portability. Portability allows you to transfer up to $500,000 of existing Save Our Homes benefit from one Homestead to another Homestead anywhere in the State of Florida. To be eligible, you must have a “portability” benefit, complete the Save Our Homes Portability Application, and include it with your Homestead Exemption application. If you are unsure whether or not you have a “Portability” benefit amount to transfer to the new residence, please contact us at 863-534-4777 and a representative will gladly assist with determining your Portability status.

Portability Application - Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference
Click here for Portability Frequently Asked Questions

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Required Documentation for Homestead Exemption

All applications must include no less than four (4) forms of Florida residency identification as listed below for each resident. By law, the social security number of the applicant and the applicant’s spouse must be provided; even if the spouse is not listed on the property title or does not live on the property. Non-citizens must provide a copy of their Permanent Residence Card (Green Card).

Forms of Florida residency identification are:

  1. Florida Driver’s License or ID card (required)
  2. Florida Vehicle Registration
  3. Polk County Voter’s Registration
  4. Recorded Affidavit of Florida Resident Click here for the form
  5. Utility bill (not water utility)
  6. School location for dependent children
  7. Verification of employment (excluding W2)
  8. Bank statement (checking or savings account only)

Approval and Automatic Renewal

Once your exemption(s) has been approved, it will be reflected on your online Property Record Card. You can access the card from the PROPERTY SEARCH. On the card, you will see two indicators.
  1. The amount of exempt value will be subtracted from the Assessed Value thereby reducing the Taxable Value.
  2. Some other thing

Approval letters are not mailed to applicants. You will only receive notification from us if your application is denied. Once approved, the exemption(s) are automatically renewed annually. There is no annual re-application process.

Don’t Lose Your Exemption

Homestead exemption saves homeowners a lot of money. Once you have been granted an exemption, don’t make a costly mistake and lose it. Click Here (PDF) for a list of ways one can lose their exemption.

Letters for Mortgage Companies and Estimates of Taxes

Your mortgage servicing company may ask you for proof that homestead exemption has been granted before adjusting your monthly payment. These companies will often instruct the owner to “get a letter from the property appraiser’s office”. PLEASE KNOW: We do not write individual letters evidencing homestead approval. All property and exemption information is public record in Florida and made available on your Property Record Card on this website. You can access the card from the PROPERTY SEARCH. Once your exemption has been granted, it will be listed in the EXEMPTIONS section of the Parcel Details. PRINT, or save as a PDF, the Parcel Details page and supply it to the mortgage company as evidence. An estimate of the taxes (subject to change until certified) can be made using our Tax Estimator . The official estimate of taxes is called the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes (also known as the TRIM notice) and is mailed to each property owner in mid-August.

Agreement for Deed

Property obtained with an agreement for deed may be eligible for Homestead Exemption. The agreement for deed must be recorded with the Clerk of the Court. A Contract for Sale or Purchase, Purchase Contract, Sales Contract, or similar document will not be considered by this office as it does not convey equitable title and is merely a contract to purchase the property at a future date.

Transfer of Homestead Exemption from an Existing Home

If you currently receive a Homestead Exemption for property you own and occupy as your permanent residence in Polk County, and you have moved to a new home in Polk County as your permanent residence, you must complete a new Homestead Exemption Application listing the new home address as your permanent residence. Homestead exemption DOES NOT automatically transfer. Our staff will take care of removing the former exemption and applying a new exemption for the appropriate tax year. You may qualify for even more savings with Homestead Portability; be sure to read the following.


You may be entitled to additional tax savings with Homestead Portability; also known as Save Our Homes Portability. Portability allows you to transfer up to $500,000 of existing Save Our Homes benefit from one Homestead to another Homestead anywhere in the State of Florida. To be eligible, you must have a “portability” benefit, complete the Save Our Homes Portability Application, and include it with your Homestead Exemption application. If you are unsure whether or not you have a “Portability” benefit amount to transfer to the new residence, please contact us at 863-534-4777 and a representative will gladly assist with determining your Portability status.

Portability Application - Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference
Click here for Portability Frequently Asked Questions