PCPA Logo Neil Combee
Polk County
Property Appraiser

Acknowledgement: By logging into the downloads page and downloading this data you acknowledge that you are bound by the PCPA Data Sharing agreement.

The confidentiality of personal identifying and location information including: names, physical, mailing, and street addresses, parcel ID, legal property description, neighborhood name, lot number, GPS coordinates, or any other descriptive property information that may reveal identity or home address pertaining to parcels owned by individuals that have received exempt / confidential status, hereafter referred to as confidential personal identifying and location information, will be protected as follows:

  1. The agency will not release confidential personal identifying and location information that may reveal identifying and location information of individuals exempted from Public Records disclosure.
  2. The agency will not present the confidential personal identifying and location information in the results of data analysis (including maps) in any manner that would reveal personal identifying and location information of individuals exempted from Public Records disclosure.
  3. The agency shall comply with all State laws and regulations governing the confidentiality of personal identifying and location information that is the subject of this Agreement.
  4. The agency shall ensure any employee granted access to confidential personal identifying and location information is subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
  5. The agency shall ensure any third party granted access to confidential personal identifying and location information is subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Acceptance of these terms must be provided in writing to the agency by the third party before personal identifying and location information is released.