Let's get started by finding your parcel.

You can find your parcel by Owner Name, Site Address, or Parcel ID Number. The default search type is Owner Name (see below). If you wish to search by Parcel ID or Site Address, please click the appropriate search link under Real Estate Property Records on the right side of the page. Once you have entered information, click Search Records.

NOTICE: You are currently logged into the Polk County Property Appraiser's Online Filing Application. To log out and continue searching, please click the logout link in the upper right corner.

Enter Owner Name To Search For

Owner Name:

* Enter LAST NAME first followed by FIRST NAME, e.g. Smith John. Do NOT use a comma between names.

* Using only the first name initial will return more names in the result set, e.g. Smith J

* The '%' can also be used as a wildcard to replace unknown portions of a name, e.g. Smi% J

Records per Page